Monday, May 9, 2016


Why Blogger?

There isn't an "About" page on Blogger AFAIK, so I'm just going to make this the first post.  I was really thinking of using Wordpress this time, but I've got several blogs on Blogger already, and this probably isn't going to be a big blog, so I figured it'd just be best to keep everything in one place.

I'm a Diamond I jungler on the NA server for League of Legends.  During the mage rework patch that was very disruptive to gameplay because of how unbalanced the game became, I decided to sink a smurf into Bronze V to see what it's like to play at the lowest ranked ELO possible.


I've decided to write a series of posts about the Bronze V experience, and hopefully it can help you if you are struggling to escape the depths of Bronze, or maybe it can help improve your game in other ELO brackets as well.  Or it could just be an entertaining read.


I didn't think this deserved a separate post, but here's a note on sandbagging games.

While I agree that it's somewhat unethical to lose games on purpose like this, I don't think it's too bad other than the fact that it might waste some people's time.  However, no game is truly wasted time if you strive to improve--more on this later!

Additionally, my sandbagging methodology does not involve any intentional feeding.  I will attempt to tilt the team by acting like an idiot, banning their pick declaration, and choosing off-meta picks during champ select.  During the early game, I will generally try my best, and since it's low ELO, I'll probably get really fed.  As the game progresses, I'll aid the team less and less, and if they can win the game given the massive lead I have provided, I'll let it happen.  Otherwise, if we lose, I'll let it happen as well.

A lot of other sandbaggers just intentionally feed, or purposely bait their teammates into fighting without assisting them, but I don't do either of those things.

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